As Operations Director, Paul will support Managing Director Peter Hodkinson and staff at Pennington Court, Headingley Hall and Southlands to ensure that Westward Care continues to deliver outstanding care for residents and their families.
Paul said: “Having worked in social care for many years, it is hard to find a more inspirational company than Westward Care, who are prepared to step out in front of the norm, with the intention of changing the landscape. I am proud to have been offered the opportunity to lead a group of passionate and enthused people.”
Although new to the Westward Care team, Paul has worked in social care for 32 years for both national and regional organisations. Most recently, Paul led teams in London and the East of England as a Regional Director with Bupa.
Throughout his career Paul has been driven by the belief that the people who access social care services are central to all the decisions the organisation makes.
Paul added: “As Peter, managing Director of Westward Care has passionately narrated ‘tackling the challenges of an ageing society will be made easier if we change the negative language used about older people.’ Part of this is to enable everyone to live a full, engaged and active life.”
"I think that the management here is very good. They appreciate what we’re doing and they listen to our ideas and act on any suggestions for improvements we suggest."
Senior Care Assistant, Southlands