Heven Eyob
Registered Manager, Headingley Hall

In January 2015, Heven enrolled on an Access Course in health and social care which focused on the Fundamentals of Care and achieved a certificate which enabled her to start her vocation as a Care Assistant.

She proceeded to work for care organisations that provided domiciliary care, residential and nursing care setting as well as providing individualised care packages in elderly client’s homes. These experiences allowed her to get rounded skills and knowledge into the industry and how to best serve customers.

Heven successfully applied for a post in Headingley Hall in 2016 and proceeded to work there for 18 months as a Care Assistant before progressing into a Senior Carer.

Her persistence drive and dedication saw Heven progressing to the role of Deputy Manager.

Building on the experience she acquired as a Deputy Manager in January 2022 Heven was successful in securing the role of becoming the Registered Manager of the residential service at Headingley Hall.

Alongside previous qualifications such as her Diploma in Health & Nutrition from Liverpool Hope University she has completed various training programmes around leadership in the care sector.

In November 2022, she completed the 'Leader in Adult Care Level 5 Diploma - Residential Manager Develop Operational Plans Pathways' .